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10 carpet cleaning mistakes to avoid
Carpets can become breeding grounds for dust particles if not cleaned regularly. And that’s why home cleaning is not complete without cleaning the carpet. Fortunately, carpet cleaning is quite an easy task if one remembers to follow some hacks and strategies and take care of it. What a carpet needs most is gentle handling, mild products, and consistent cleaning. In addition, here are some mistakes one should avoid while cleaning carpets: Scrubbing the carpet Most people think of scrubbing as the right solution to removing stains. But when it comes to carpets, scrubbing can actually cause a lot of damage, especially if the scrub has hard bristles. The fibers of a carpet tend to get displaced when it is scrubbed. Also, scrubbing only pushes the dirt further inside the carpet, worsening the situation. A better alternative is to blot stains using a sponge or cloth and consult a professional if the stain still persists. Not treating stains proactively If a stain is left unattended for too long on a carpet, it tends to form lumps and settle between the carpet’s fibers. So, it can become even more difficult to be removed after a point. The best way to avoid this situation is to blot stains proactively, not letting them settle or make their way deeper into the fabric.