Foods to Eat and Avoid for Constipation
Constipation refers to infrequent bowel movements or difficult passage of stools. It is diagnosed when you have fewer than three bowel movements a week. Constipation can cause excessive strain on the intestines and can have an adverse effect on your daily activities. It can be chronic when induced by other health conditions. Since constipation is a condition affecting the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, food is the essential key to managing the condition. It is possible to alleviate or worsen constipation through the food. Eating the right food can help keep your intestines clear, but the wrong foods might bind the stools even further. Fiber-rich foods to eat for constipation Foods rich in fiber can help relieve constipation and keep your stool movements regular. The most common cause of constipation is the slow movement of food through the GI tract. This can be the result of prescription treatment options, diseases of the nerves, or psychological conditions. But most often, it is due to a poor food regime. Here are five fiber-rich foods that can help manage constipation. Prunes One of the age-old remedies for constipation is dried plums, or prunes, as they are commonly called. With three gms of fiber per quarter cup serving, prunes can increase the amount of water in stools, thanks to the insoluble fiber it contains.