9 common flu myths debunked
Flu or influenza is a common viral infection that can affect anyone regardless of their age. In general, flu cases tend to rise between early October and late May, with seasons changing. It is possible to lower the risk of flu. However, several misconceptions about the infection can increase the vulnerability of being affected. Here are some of the common flu myths debunked to lower the risk of contracting and spreading the virus. 1. One can get infected just once each flu season Influenza viruses are commonly categorized into Type A and Type B. As both types cause similar symptoms, it is difficult to determine which type has infected one unless they undergo a blood test. So, when one is infected with one of the influenza viruses, the immune system releases antibodies that kill off the virus. Also, the antibodies work to prevent future infection by the same virus. So, the risk of getting infected by the specific type of influenza virus for the second time is quite low. However, one does not acquire immunity against the other type. So, they can get infected twice in the same season. 2. The flu is just a bad cold Many assume that the flu is the worst version of the common cold, as both can cause similar symptoms.