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9 common errors to avoid when starting a nonprofit
Setting up a nonprofit can be a great way to make a difference in the community. The venture can also be emotionally and mentally rewarding, as it may be able to help those in need. However, starting a nonprofit is a lengthy process involving paperwork, adherence to laws, and other steps, giving way to lapses or missteps. Here are a few such common errors to avoid when starting a nonprofit 1. Creating one that already exists One of the biggest mistakes people make is starting a nonprofit that already exists. If there is an active organization serving the community, starting another one with a similar cause may not be the best idea. One should carefully research what is not available in the community and choose that as a nonprofit venture. However, if passionate about the same cause, volunteering for the existing organization is a better option. Additionally, one could ask to get on the board of the existing organization, make donations, or reach out to learn about other ways to get involved. One could also consider speaking to the organization about opening another branch to extend the scope of its operation. 2. Not consulting a lawyer The government has several regulations in place that dictate how a nonprofit should work.