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14 mistakes to avoid while installing deck railing systems
Fall prevention is a key aspect of ensuring safety at home and in public spaces, including workplaces. Deck railing systems can address this concern, preventing falls on balconies, stairs, and decks. However, it is important to exercise caution and care while installing these railings, as they must be strong enough to provide adequate support and prevent accidents. So, here are some common mistakes to avoid while installing deck railing systems: 1. Misunderstanding measurement guidelines Precision is the key to installing railing systems safely. Depending on the type of deck railing system, the description could mention on-center or true measurement. While on-center involves measuring from the center of one deck post to the center of the post, true measurement only considers the actual length of the top rail without accounting for the posts. Such details should be carefully reviewed while taking deck measurements before installing deck railing systems. 2. Assuming all post caps are 4×4 inches While 4×4 is the most common post cap size, certain post caps come in other dimensions, such as 6×6 inches and 4×6 inches. The best way to select a post cap of the right size is to measure the post’s outside diameter first and then select a cap.