8 common mistakes to avoid when charging phones
Mobile phones have become an integral part of people’s lives, so much so that they depend on them for many things, from paying bills and ordering food to checking emails. The phones’ batteries will inevitably drain out quickly, and this might happen for many reasons, like overcharging them. That’s not all; people make a few more common mistakes when charging their phones that should be avoided to maximize battery life. Mistakes to avoid Here are a few mistakes to avoid when charging one’s phone: 1. Charging it all day long Most people assume that to optimize a phone’s battery and ensure great performance, they must charge it fully. However, experts suggest that battery performance peaks between 30 and 80 percent. So, yes, your phone can outperform even at a 30 percent charge. Hence, achieving the 100% charged mark only deteriorates its battery health. 2. Charging when the battery drains out On the flip side, some people find it a task to charge their phones. So, they only put it on charging when the battery drops to zero. Ideally, one must immediately charge the phone when one receives an alert for battery-saving mode. On most phones, this option activates when the phone battery is between 15 and 20 percent full.