8 common signs of a weak immune system
A strong immune system works as a shield to protect against infections and diseases caused by pathogens and foreign substances. But sometimes, immunity can weaken, leaving one susceptible to several health issues. Also, the recovery time from these illnesses tends to get longer. Therefore, it is important to recognize the common signs of a weak immune system to maintain overall health and take the necessary precautions after consulting a primary care doctor. Common signs of a weak immune system Here are a few common signs of a weakened immune system: Frequent instances of infection When the immune system becomes weak, there are frequent infections. This happens because there is a decrease in the production of white blood cells and antibodies. These are responsible for fighting off bacteria and other germs that cause infectious diseases. As a result, one frequently experiences mild to severe infections such as the common cold, flu, and ear, urinary tract, and sinus infections. Wounds take time to heal Whenever there is a cut, burn, scrape, or any type of wound, white blood cells, antibodies, and essential nutrients flow through the blood to the wound area. This helps the damaged skin layers regenerate faster, so the wound heals quickly without any complications or infections.