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10 daycare problems one must not ignore
Many parents drop their children at daycare when they leave for work. Therefore, eventually, a daycare becomes an integral part of children’s routines and a place for interaction outside their homes. Many daycare providers in today’s time go the extra mile to make the daycare center a positive space that fosters children’s growth and overall development. However, parents must also be cautious about certain daycare problems for their child’s better future. Non-conducive environment for children Since children are at the daycare most of their day, the environment must be safe and nurturing. For example, the caregivers not wearing gloves while changing children’s diapers is alarming. Parents must check the kitchen’s cleanliness and where their children’s meals are prepared before choosing a daycare center. However, aside from the physical environment, it is also crucial to ensure that the child feels safe and comfortable in the center. The environment should be engaging enough to motivate children to spend their days there – with enough toys and books, space, sunlight, and other stimulating elements. Indifferent or authoritarian caregivers Children spend much time at daycare, so their caregivers must know how to deal with toddlers. Sometimes, a caregiver may be indifferent or too emotionally distant from the child, and the child may be neglected when the parents are away.