Ways to Decode Canine Communication with Humans
Humans tend to rely on verbal modes when communicating with each other. On the other hand, dogs communicate primarily via body language and secondarily through vocalizations. While having a dog whisperer would take the guesswork out of the situation, understanding inter-species communication is not as straightforward. Therefore, when deciphering what is being communicated, you must observe the entire dog (tail carriage/motion, facial expressions, body position, etc.) and the situation or context. Looking for non-verbal cues: Since dogs cannot vocalize their feelings, they may use the following non-verbal cues for our benefit: Tail Tail wagging is the most obvious sign to observe. However, it may not always mean the dog is happy, friendly, or excited. Remember to look for other cues to understand their mood. Here are some general tail motions that can help decipher how your dog is feeling: A curled tail could be a relaxation, confidence, or dominance stance. A straight, stiff tail generally signals that the dog is focused on an activity or tracking something. A tucked or lowered tail is a sign of fear or submission. Ears Isn’t it adorable watching a dog’s ears perk up? Their ears are also an important part of communication! Perky ears are generally a sign of interest and focus, while floppy ears are a sign of submission.