6 foods to avoid for short bowel syndrome
The basic function of the bowel is to absorb vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients from the food one eats. However, if a portion of the bowel is surgically removed due to an underlying condition like tumors, irritable bowel syndrome, or recurrent intestinal obstruction, it will not function optimally. This condition is known as short bowel syndrome. People with this condition may need to modify their food habits by avoiding the following foods to promote better nutrient absorption. 1. Types of carbohydrates Short bowel syndrome generally causes diarrhea and bloating. This is because of the absence of a large portion of the small intestine, which is involved in digestion. To alleviate these symptoms, those with short bowel syndrome are usually recommended to avoid or limit the intake of foods that contain a high amount of certain carbohydrates. These include the following: Simple carbohydrates These are also called simple sugars. Simple carbohydrates are usually present in cakes, cookies, candy, jam, table sugar, regular pop, honey, and syrup. Fermentable carbohydrates These include lactose and certain types of sugar. Lactose is a simple type of sugar that is found in dairy products such as milk, cream, and cheese. A low-lactose meal plan works well for those with short bowel syndrome.