11 healthy human foods for dogs
Taking care of animals, such as pet dogs, is one of the most rewarding things an individual can do. Most pet parents go out of their way to ensure their dogs get the healthiest and most delicious food available. This includes feeding them various products, including wet and dry dog foods. While these benefit dogs, a pet parent must also feed them fresh produce and specific meats to manage their overall health. 1. Honey Honey has several health benefits; it is rich in multiple nutrients, including vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K. It is also abundant in calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium, and antioxidants. Giving pets small amounts of honey may help with allergies, as it introduces small amounts of pollen to the system, subsequently building immunity to local allergens. 2. Bone broth Bone broth is one of the healthiest foods for dogs and one that they truly enjoy. The broth is created by simmering bones on a low flame with apple cider vinegar for long hours. The process slowly breaks down the nutrients, making them highly bioavailable to the pet’s body. Bone broth can help improve digestion and heal a “leaky gut.” It can also improve liver health, reduce inflammation, and alleviate joint pain.