12 remedies and professional therapies to get rid of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can be a highly discomforting issue, especially if it keeps flaring up. The pain, itching, and irritation can not only make bowel movements difficult but also cause problems in daily life and regular activities. This is why it is better to know a few common remedies that can help soothe the discomfort. Here are a few such hemorrhoid remedies, plus some treatment options, that can help get rid of the issue. Drink a lot of water One of the most common causes of hemorrhoids is constipation. Due to passing hard stools, the blood vessels around the anal region can get inflamed or swollen. This can then lead to pain, itching, bleeding, or irritation in the area. To avoid this, one would need to address their constipation. One of the simplest ways to soften the stool and reduce constipation is by increasing the intake of water. Plus, once the stools soften up and constipation reduces, one would no longer need to strain to pass stools. This will also help reduce inflammation and swelling. Increase fiber intake Another simple yet highly effective remedy for constipation is increasing the intake of fiber. Just like water, fiber also helps soften the stools and allows them to pass through the system easily.