14 tips to deal with loneliness
An individual may face multiple emotional barriers in life, one of which includes feeling lonely. Loneliness can be defined as “discomfort or uneasiness from being or perceiving oneself to be alone.” It can impact one’s physical and mental health. So, how does one deal with it? Some experts recommend various steps to help one cope with loneliness. These could help individuals connect with others and heal. Here are a few ways to overcome feelings of loneliness: 1. Praying People choose different avenues for coping with loneliness, and prayer is one such mechanism that could help. Praying during times of solitude can help one find comfort and solace. Confiding in an entity much larger and more powerful than oneself can give an individual much-needed emotional support. The process of prayer, which can include meditation, can help one feel more at peace with themselves, as an individual reassures themselves that there might be a higher entity that can understand their needs. Ultimately, it could be one of the factors that helps one filter out lonely thoughts. One could pray in various ways—by themselves or by listening to those who preach through mediums, including television, the Internet, or a dedicated place for prayer.