Atopic dermatitis management in children
Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, is a chronic skin condition characterized by skin inflammation and irritation. The condition can affect people of all ages, including children, so parents should keep an eye on some of the symptoms, ranging from mild to severe, from one child to the next. Once the signs are identified, parents or guardians could start the child on the treatment options mentioned below to help manage the condition. Signs of atopic dermatitis Before getting into the treatments for atopic dermatitis, parents and guardians need to know about the signs. This could help identify, diagnose, and manage the condition immediately. The symptoms may come and go or occur most or all of the time. One should also note that any region of the child’s body might be affected. Babies usually develop atopic dermatitis in the face, skin inside the elbows, back of the knees, side of the neck, scalp, hands, wrist, and around the mouth. The symptoms may vary for each child. These include the following: Dry, scaly skin Pale skin on the face Redness and swelling Darkened skin of the eyelids or around the eyes Rough bumps on the face, thighs, and upper arms Severe itching Skin that turns thick Small, raised bumps that might turn crusty and leak fluid if scratched.