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8 common mistakes to avoid while showering
Showering may seem like a simple act, but there are some common showering mistakes that one could make that may harm skin health. This easy 10-minute ritual is important for maintaining daily hygiene and ensuring that one does it correctly. This practice is crucial for good skin and hair health. Here are some things one needs to be careful of and other tips that may help avoid the repercussions of these common mistakes. Using excessive soap Yes, it is a cleaning agent, but it can also quickly dry out the skin when used in excess. Many soaps are available in the market, but try looking for a soap with a moisturizing ingredient or something called stearic acid. This is an ingredient that is used to harden the soap, and it helps in creating a thick lather that feels velvety to the skin. Thanks to its occlusive properties, using this ingredient in soap will keep the skin hydrated and prevent moisture loss from the surface. Frequent showers Taking too many unnecessary showers in a day may cause the skin’s natural oils to dry, leaving it dry and flaky. It is important to stay clean and hygienic to avoid any infections. However, bathing more than three times a day is a waste of natural skin oils and can lead to infection too.