home and needs
14 most unsafe places at home to hide valuables
Statistics show that one home burglary occurs every 25.7 seconds in the country, accounting for about a million burglaries annually. Jewelry and other small-sized valuables are easily transportable and high-value commodities, which makes them prime targets for burglars seeking quick gains. So, it becomes imperative for individuals to reassess their security measures, including the places where they hide their valuable possessions. One is advised to avoid hiding their valuables in the following predictable places around the house. Safes Regular safes are amongst the most common storage spots for jewelry; ironically, they are usually targeted first by burglars. Despite their intended purpose, most safes are not foolproof and can be broken into with a variety of tools and strategies. Closets Next to safes, closets are often thoroughly rummaged and scrutinized by burglars in hopes of finding hidden treasure. Commonly overlooked spaces within closets, including shoeboxes or back corners, are frequently targeted immediately. Drawers Being a common place for safekeeping jewelry and documents, burglars often check drawers first during a break-in. The predictability and ease of access make drawers a bad choice for storing valuables. Additionally, homeowners should refrain from storing other essential things like identification certificates and financial or other necessary documents to avoid identity theft.