7 Common Peeing Mistakes to Avoid for a Healthy Bladder
Peeing is such a natural part of our daily lives, that we rarely stop to think about it. It is an important bodily function that helps get rid of waste that the body does not need anymore. Moreover, peeing habits and hygiene practices can contribute to a range of urinary and bladder issues over time, impacting one’s day-to-day activities. Here are seven common peeing mistakes to avoid for a healthy bladder. Holding pee in for too long At times, holding pee in is unavoidable, whether at concerts or long car trips. However, making it a habit can be detrimental to bladder health. Full bladders are more susceptible to infections as the bacteria can grow and multiply at a quicker rate. Over time, the practice of holding urine in for too long can also stretch out the bladder and cause loss of bladder function. On the other hand, those who are not able to hold their bladder at all or suffer from urinary incontinence must visit a urologist or pelvic floor therapist for a proper diagnosis. Not emptying the bladder fully When peeing, it is important to empty the bladder fully. Failing to do so can stretch out the bladder and contribute to bladder troubles over time.