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Top 7 risks of not shredding important documents
With sensitive, confidential information always at risk of being misused or passed on to those unauthorized to access it, it is crucial to dispose of documents containing such data. This ensures that the documents do not get into the wrong hands. Shredding the documents is a commonly preferred way of getting rid of them. Not doing so can make the information, and by extension, individuals and organizations, vulnerable to the following security risks: 1. Data breach or leaks Paperwork for a business could be resumes, project plans, reports, or more sensitive information. Client lists, financial reports, and trade secrets could also be documents worth holding on to. So, improper disposal of these documents can increase the risk of data leaks, which can make the business lose its competitive edge. Organizations must adopt proper disposal methods to avoid any data breaches or leaks. A shredder can eliminate this risk entirely by cutting up documents into strips, making them unreadable. 2. Identity theft Improper document disposal can also increase the risk of identity theft. Many documents contain personal information like names, addresses, social security numbers, dates of birth, credit card information, bank account numbers, and more. Similarly, businesses could also have organizational or employee-related information that they do not want outsiders to know.