9 warning signs of poor blood circulation
Poor blood circulation is responsible for reducing the blood flow to the various organs and muscles, which can cause severe complications in individuals. This condition develops when the circulatory system cannot pump blood effectively to various body parts, leading to low oxygen levels and nutrient deficiency. This condition usually affects the hands and feet of an individual. Here are some warning signs of poor blood circulation in the body which you should be aware of. Numbness in some body parts Experiencing a numbing or tingling feeling in the hands and feet is a common sign of poor blood circulation. In addition, some individuals may also feel pins and needles in their extremities due to inadequate blood flow to the area. This sensation occurs when the restricted blood flow does not reach sufficient quantities. Cold hands and feet When the blood flow is low and does not reach the hands and legs, it can also make these body parts feel colder than the rest. This temperature fluctuation is an issue that affects not just the skin but also the nerve endings of the arms and legs. However, some other conditions can also lead to cold hands and feet, so always be aware of the symptoms thoroughly.