9 things to consider when investing directly in bonds
Bonds are relatively low-risk investment options that can provide a good source of income. These days , people investing in bonds have multiple choices, like debt securities from corporate firms and government bonds. One can also diversify their portfolios by blending stock and bond securities. Doing so helps lower the risks while increasing the chances of a good return. But before investing in bonds directly, one must understand certain essential aspects. Maturity While some bonds are long-term investments with long lock-in periods, others are short-term bonds that mature quickly. One should check the maturity periods of different bond investments and choose the best option based on their preferences. The longer the lock-in period, the more one has to wait before they receive their money back, and vice versa. So, if one’s objective is to earn income from the bond a few years later or after retirement, a bond with a longer lock-in period works. But if the objective is to invest for a short period, one should go for bonds that mature quickly. Secured and unsecured bonds Bonds are commonly bifurcated as secured and unsecured. Secured bonds are the ones in which the issuer secures the debt investment with a certain asset they own.