12 surprising health benefits of a foot massage
Self-care, be it for health or any other reason, is important. While the hair and face get ample care, the feet are often not looked after as much as they deserve. One effective way to boost overall health is through a foot massage. A good foot massage can have many health benefits besides relaxation and reduced stress levels. Here’s why foot massages should be incorporated into one’s self-care routine: 1. Boosts blood circulation The type of work most people do nowadays requires them to sit at their desks for hours on end without much movement. Due to a sedentary lifestyle and little to no regular exercise, there is a lack of muscle movement in the feet. Moreover, uncomfortable shoes block blood circulation in the feet, leading to muscle stiffness and foot pain. A 10- to 15-minute foot massage session before bed helps improve blood circulation. Regular foot massages stimulate blood flow and increase circulation, thereby retaining muscle strength. 2. Keeps the feet healthy One of the main benefits of a foot massage is healthy feet. Regular massages will make spotting foot problems such as sores, ingrown toenails, dry and cracked heels, and corns easy. Weekly massages can help keep the feet moisturized.