9 unhealthy foods for the teeth
Staying healthy involves caring for multiple aspects of the body, including the teeth. But this must be done by eating healthy foods or following other hygiene routines. Keeping the teeth in top health also depends on one’s ability to avoid unhealthy habits, such as certain meal choices that may worsen oral health. Here are some of the worst foods that one should avoid to improve the condition of their teeth. Ice Many enjoy munching on ice because it is often fun and can help cool the body. However, doing so can also prove otherwise, especially regarding oral health. Ice is a hard substance that may affect the enamel. It could also result in chipped, cracked, or broken teeth. Biting into ice may also adversely affect and loosen one or more crowns in the mouth. However, if one wishes to enjoy ice, they could add it to their beverage or a glass of water instead of chewing it directly. Bread Bread is common in most people’s meal plans, whether for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. It can be enjoyed by toasting it or spreading it with something delicious. Unfortunately, bread is one of the worst foods for dental health. When we chew bread, it turns into sugar due to the interaction with saliva.